Copa con tapa
Covered Standing Cup
Veit Moringer
Augsburgo (?)-Núremberg, 1569
Copa con tapa,hacia 1560
Núremberg, Alemania
Plata sobredorada con relieves y gemas, 35 cm de altura
Thyssen-Bornemisza Collections, inv. DEC0971
Este tipo de copa estrecha y con tapa era habitual en la Alemania del siglo XVI, y se usaba como presente para altos dignatarios, conmemoraciones o para refrendar el establecimiento de algún tratado de comercio importante. Se compone de varios cuerpos cilíndricos profusamente decorados, destacando el magnífico friso central con alternancia de escenas verticales y horizontales, el original pie hexagonal y la tapa coronada por un soldado con su espada. Todo el conjunto y su refinada técnica nos remite al manierismo característico de los orfebres alemanes de Núremberg. Fue adquirida por el barón Thyssen-Bornemisza en la casa de subastas Sotheby’s de Londres en 1973.
English version
Veit Moringer
Augsburg (?)-Nuremberg, 1569
Covered Standing Cup, ca. 1560
Nuremberg, Germany
Silver; cast, chased and matted; gilt; gemstones. 35 cm (height)
Thyssen-Bornemisza Collections, inv. DEC0971
Narrow lidded cups like this one were common in 16thcentury Germany and were used as gifts for high-ranking dignitaries, commemorations, or to mark the establishment of important trade treaties. It consists of several profusely decorated cylindrical parts and is notable for the magnificent central frieze with alternating vertical and horizontal scenes, the original hexagonal foot, and the lid topped with a sword-bearing soldier. The entire piece and its refined craftmanship are consistent with the characteristic Mannerism of the German goldsmiths of Nuremberg. It was acquired by Baron Thyssen-Bornemisza at an auction at Sotheby’s London in 1973.