Study day, Caravaggio and the Painters of the North
In conjunction with the exhibition Caravaggio and the Painters of the North, the Museum is organising a study day focusing on the figure of this celebrated Italian artist. A series of lectures will trace Caravaggio’s influence in both Rome and southern Italy, as well as the impact of his style on a large number of artists from France, the Low Countries and Germany.
This study day will aim to emphasise the impact of Caravaggio’s work on these masters and the pictorial schools of their respective places of origin while also taking into account his influence on modern artistic movements. In order to do so, this event is benefiting from the participation of art historians such as Tania de Nile and Antonio Ernesto Denunzio; university professors including Maria Cristina Terzaghi of the University of Rome; curators such as Teresa Posada Kubissa, Head of the Department of Dutch Painting at the Museo del Prado; Guillermo Solana, Artistic Director of the Museo Thyssen; and the exhibition’s curator, Gert Jan van der Sman, professor at the University of Leiden and a member of the Istituto Universitario Olandese di Storia dell´Arte in Florence.