Throughout history women have faced numerous challenges due to the gender bias inherent in the perception and status of art. The Western canon has favoured works by men, with the result that for centuries women artists have been overlooked, undervalued, marginalised and ignored.

Within the framework of the exhibition Women Masters, this new online course analyses the work of women artists of different periods, from the pioneers and exponents of the avant-gardes to the present day, allowing for an exploration of a wide range of art-historical periods, artistic genres and themes. There will also be a focus on issues relating to the conception of the body, gender, identity and the forms of circulation and valuation of artistic production.

The course will be led by Professor Teresa de la Vega on the Microsoft Teams platform. Participants will be sent details on logging in and documentation by e-mail.

With the collaboration of:

Comunidad de Madrid

Sponsored by:

Carolina Herrera