February 2020

What will the future deliver for us? The musical experience The Setting in Motion proposes a journey that starts with Albert Gleizes’s In Port (1917), arriving at Grand Central Terminal (1915), by Max Weber, experienced with the sonorous performance 25 ciudades 50 calles: Nueva York 2010 - Invierno Oblicuo (2010), composed by Sonia Megías. The dialogue between the three works brings the experience of travel to the rooms of the museum in a very special way: movement, adventure, confusion, hope, uncertainty and discovery.

Performing: Eva Guillamón and Sonia Megías, of Dúa de Pel; Marta Escudero and Rafael Tarjuelo, of PlecTres; Juan Gabriel Amores and Juan Ernesto Santos, percussion; Ana Hormigos, flute; and Beatriz Alcaine, wardrobe.

The Setting in Motion is the third part of the musical tour Movement, Better Shared, a new experience as part of 360º Thyssen, the project that gives you the opportunity to enjoy the works of the museum from different perspectives thanks to the collaboration of Fundación BBVA.

More Information

To experience this piece immersively, open the video on YouTube, wait for it to load and drag your finger across the screen to look around as it plays. Or just move your smartphone to enter the rooms of the museum.

If you want to continue exploring the relationship between painting and music, you can download the app Second Canvas Thyssen and enjoy the Sonic Paintings tour.

In collaboration with: Fundación BBVA.

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